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Essential tools to accomplish professional painting in Pert

Essential tools to accomplish professional painting in Pert
13 Feb 2017

Your house is your castle of dreams. Naturally, you want to make it the envy of every other homeowner.

For an impeccable work, you will undoubtedly need the professional painting services in Perth. But if you want to try it yourself then the first thing that you need is a fine-cut paint brush. It is worth the time learning to cut a paintbrush. In most cases, it is done on a wall that can be repainted.

For this, you have to cut the paint brush near the bristles just like you are holding a pencil. You can play with the pressure until you can pull the bristles along the wall for a clean cut line. With just a little effort you can learn to make a clean cut line.

Apart from this if you can keep a few paint tools, then that will save you countless hours of time and frustration. Below are mentioned some of the essential tools that you need for a professional painting.


  • A Rag – You can always keep a rag at your side. This is necessary if you are painting your home or are even painting professionally. You can drape this rag from your pocket or can keep it in your tool set. Every painter has the best intentions to be careful. But accidents still do happen. So if by any chance the paint drips on the floor, you have to take quick action. If you keep a rag handy, you do not have to waste time running across the room looking for a rag while the paint will set in.
  • Rubbing Alcohol – Before you decide whether to use oil paint or latex, it is better to dab a bit of alcohol over the existing paint. This will help you understand whether it is oil or latex. Latex paint will come off with just a dab of rubbing alcohol. Though you can use latex over latex but if oil paint is the base then covering it up with latex is quite a difficult task.
  • A Wire Brush – Don’t throw away every paint brush after you have used. For professional painting in Perth, you need first to purchase a quality paint brush. After that you can run some warm water into the bristles, you can scrape the brush from the metal to the tips of the bristles with the help of the wire brush. This will keep the painting surfaces of your paint brushes making clean-cut lines for a paint brush.
  • 5 in 1 Tool – From the time you think of painting your room to the cleaning up phase this tool is almost a must buy for both the homeowners as well as the professional painters. This tool will open your paint cans. Not only that, it has pointed edges that can effectively poke holes into your paint can be so that the paint does not dry up at the rims. Apart from that, this tool can also be used to scrape the paint drops from the window. You can also drain the paint out of the rollers with the help of the rounded ages.

The above are some of the things that you can keep in mind in order if you want to paint your house yourself in the least possible time.

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